Last week I had to work extra hours at my day job, both of my children were ill (you name it, they had it) and no one in my house was sleeping very well.
This all can lead to not enough energy or time to feel productive in other areas. I started a book, from a series I thoroughly enjoy, over 2 weeks ago and I am only on page 50. I can't even remember what day it was when I read the paragraph I am currently on. I sure haven't had a whole lot of time to devote to my writing. This sadly leaves us with not a lot of material for this blog.
So why do it?
I do it, because I need to make myself do it. It would just be so easy to say I can't do this, I'm tired, I don't have the energy, I don't have the time, I just don't feel like it. Here's the thing. I feel like if I can't take time out and devote at least an hour a week to writing this blog, I'm never going to be able to commit the massive amount of time it's going to take to finish my book.
As I said before. My goal for this blog was to help me establish a writing habit. A reason for getting me to the computer to write something for which I'm going to be held accountable.
Since my book writing has seen a slight holdup, I need to do this blog.
It keeps me anchored. It keeps me from floating away from my computer, never to return again. It doesn't matter to me if no one out there is reading it. There's a possibility that someone might be, and that someone may be looking forward to reading, just like I look forward to updates to some of my favorite blogs. It's the possibility that someone may read it that keeps the pressure on me to keep writing. And that is a very good thing.
This week is, thankfully, back to a more normal schedule and the kids are both on antibiotics so I will be able to devote time again to writing my novel. Wednesday night!
Even now I feel the bubble of excitement rise up when I think of the time when I get to sit back down and get my hero and heroine talking to each other for the first time. Its exciting, I feel like I'm setting up a blind date where I know the two of them will just love each other.... eventually :-)
So thanks for reading if you are. You keep me here and you make me want to write!
If you're not reading it well, I guess I can say whatever I want about you because you're not going to know about it, but I will say thanks to you too. Its the possibility that you may read it someday that gets this butt in this seat at least once a week so I can share with you.
I really enjoy writing. More so than I thought I would when I set out to do this!
So my brain might be mush right now, but in a day or two it will have recovered enough to make two fictional (but no so fictional to me) characters go all mushy for each other!
Just like getting over a cold. I'll be back in the saddle before long!
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