Monday, February 11, 2013

My goal for blogging

When I first set out to write a blog about writing my first novel what I was really after was writing practice and a way to committing to write on certain nights of the week.

As I started writing I was hoping that eventually I might get some posters on my blog telling stories that related to what I was talking about or even some advice on how to get over a hurdle I was currently facing.  I even hoped that someday I could use this blog to get some exposure for my impending novel.

Last night I got something from this blog that I would never have expected in my wildest dreams.

I had a really good friend of mine send me a message.  This friend and I had met at our day jobs.  We had a few chats many, many years ago about how we both wanted to write novels.

In this message my friend told me that my blog had motivated him to start writing again as well.  He was starting off small but hoping to work up to something bigger in the future.

So while I started this blog for practice, advice, camaraderie and maybe even a little fame in the writing community (well a girl can try), I got something even more rewarding.

Hearing that I motivated someone out there to write got me excited that people are actually reading my blog, yippee!  It also got me really excited to get to my writing night so we can have more writing chats as delightful as the one we had last night.

Sadly, my day job needs some extra TLC this week.  I am probably going to be skipping my book writing night so I don't burn myself out.  After working 11 hour days I don't think I will have the mental capacity to come home and write anything worthwhile in the pages of my soon to be masterpiece.  It would  also be why the blog post is a little shorter and, maybe, less entertaining tonight.

But hopefully that will be just this week and next week I can be back at it with a vengeance next week!

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