Thursday, January 24, 2013

Writing night

So today is Thursday. This is my usual writing night of the week.
Thanks to my need to put food on the table and provide for my family I have a nice, steady, bill paying job.
That job has landed me, literally, in Pittsburgh for the rest of the work week. 
So what does this mean? It means that tonight I will not be able to work on my book. And I have to say I'm actually missing it.
So to get my writing fix, I'm sitting in my hotel room constructing this blog entry from an app on my phone.
So while I probably won't be able to carve out any book writing time until next week, I'm happy that I feel bad for not being able to work on it.
It's very easy to just put it off and procrastinate another day but that does not produce a book. 
I'm sure when my next writing night rolls around I'll be tempted to say that I just don't have the energy.  Hopefully I'll look back on today, remember how I missed being able to write, and get to work.
Then go to bed with a smile on my face.

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